
Showing posts from 2011

I Don't Understand What Anyone Is Saying Anymore - Dan Pallotta - Harvard Business Review

I Don't Understand What Anyone Is Saying Anymore - Dan Pallotta - Harvard Business Review

Dear Mr. Duprey

Lawrence Duprey Dear Mr. Duprey, I think I always had an inkling that I would pen such a letter one day, except, I didn't know who it would be addressed to. Indeed, I have been mulling over names like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Lakshmi Mittal, Rupert Murdoch, Roman Abramovich, Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim, and even any one of the Walton sisters. However, over the past few days especially, I realise that these folks dont have the slightest reason to even pretend that they know me or that I matter, for that matter. In fact, I write to you now because having once been an employee in your sprawling empire, my efforts for your company directly resulted in asset growth (33 percent), market share (by about 15 percent) and a profit margin that broke the $10 million dollar barrier (annual) for the first time ever. Also, having invested in life insurance in CLICO, it was to my utter disappointment that my policy was unceremoniously cancelled, because CLICO lost my information dur

Sasha Thomas and Janice Fierce

Ex-journalist Sasha Mohammed In a world that technology has reamed open, privacy and transparency have become highly-sought commodities or assets, rather than the default options that they had been just before the turn of the century. Within recent times, the exploding digital landscape has allowed the lay person to be almost any digital self he or she wants to be, which has spawned a phenomenon of low self-esteem and manufactured alter egos, all of which Freud would have looked upon disdainfully. Take for instance the concept of Beyonce's Sasha Fierce. Does the new persona really mean that the artist is spared the repercussions and consequences of the alter ego's words and actions? Should way simply accept the syringe of the artiste's "truth", that Sasha is another part of her own expressive soul? In any case, this is little room to argue against the notion that Mz Knowles has done disservice to both herself and womankind, by not being able to stand

Jack out of the Box

Austin 'Jack' Warner It is instructive to assimilate every plot twist and red herring in the current imbroglio involving several senior officials of the FIFA. Reason being something that I have always said... love him or loathe him, Jack Warner has had decades worth of experience in politics on an international stage... therefore the hypothetical banana republic politics will rarely pose any major challenge. The current fiasco is one that will test the man, the mentality and the motivation of Warner, who after years of being dogged by unsubstantiated allegations of poor conduct, has now become the virtual messiah of peoples of Chaguanas West to CARICOM. To take the position of Devil's Advocate, one would say that Warner may be correctly convicted of the wrong crime. In today's society, where the media keeps watch over the potentially grubbish fingers of public officials, it's hard to think that a man who is rumoured to have spent nearly 70 million TT do

Cassi - Town Ting (Soca 2011)


Maxi-taxing bus-ted

Maxi dus'... on the Bus (Route) So tomorrow, the country is threatened with a virtual transport shutdown, as maxi-taxi drivers seem intent on hitting the beach, instead of the Bus Route. Indeed, some may not even travel, and might just as well keep their clutches home. It's ironic that many of the more vociferous - and government-critical - commentators on this issue seem to lack an important pre-qualification to talk... actual travelling experience. Most of these mouthers are "suppositioning" about ph-rapists, ph-drug dealers, ph-murderers and the ilk. Point taken, but what about the TTDF-killers, VDF-kidnappers, H-drug dealers and that other ilk? Broadbrushing on discrimination is a poor debate technique... akin to shouting. It's a fact that were it not for the PH community of drivers, many public servants, professionals and service providers would not be able to function. It's especially ironic that public servants are also grousing at this tim