
Showing posts from 2013


People must know that I've never been seen as a religious fanatic, in fact, few of my friends even know what my religious beliefs are... or even if I have any at all. I happened upon this link recently, and despite the Western stereotype of Hindu/Sanskrit connotation, I have found this piece especially soothing for the stressful world we operate in. This is what I've gathered about the piece this far thus far: Twameva Mata, Chapita Twameva.  Twameva Bandhu, Cha Sakha Twameva.  Twameva Vidya, Dravinum Twameva.  Twameva Sarvam Mama Deva Deva.  O God, You are my mother, my father,  my brother, and my friend.  You are my knowledge and my only wealth. You are everything to me and the God of all Gods.