
Showing posts from April, 2015

To Right Wrong or Write Wrong? The REAL question

Writing on the straight and narrow... between the lines I had promised to stay quiet. I tried. I did. Until now. As a media practitioner and journalist since 1998, I think I had the distinct privilege of being guided (even up to now) by some of the greatest minds and the most influential names to dominate the era. The first - and ever-continuing - lesson as a journalist is about being fair and objective. It's admittedly a dangerous game. Perception is relative, and if you are only perceived to any degree to be taking sides, your credibility - and your career - will be shot like a wayward manicou in a hunter's back yard. At different stages in my career, I walked the tightrope... between big business and unions, government and opposition, police and thief. I even walked the plank a few times. I've been offered bribes by big business, monitored by the State, stalked by criminals, and even joshed by colleagues about my approach to the story. I remained resolute... I t