
Showing posts from June, 2017

The Syrian Story that CNN Missed

Mario Sabga-Aboud Now that nearly everyone has had their chance to voice their opinion, discontent, satire and support of the statements (both of them) made by Mario Sabga-Aboud, it's time to have another chat about the very same topic of who really are the power-mongers in Trinidad and Tobago. I admit I was initially a bit taken aback by the casual seriousness of The Statement. I felt it was made with impunity, especially as the distant twinkling lightscape of Laventille in the background was second focus to the glistening extra virgin olive oil that was being poured on a meal table that would take some peasants months of coffee-cashing to prepare. The juxtaposition  - of the open, airy, free balcony, overlooking the "immigration centres" of centuries past, against the daily prison of the nation's workforce in the country's capital - wasn't lost on me. And I would forgive those who did not give it a second thought. My secondary school days might be